Annual Research Review Meeting Conducted


The Research and Knowledge Management Office (RaKMO) organized the Annual Research Review Meeting on Thursday, March 31, 2022, Main Campus, Syndicate Room. The meeting was attended by 37 SMU staff representing various offices including Office of the Executive Vice President (EVP); Office of Vice President for Research and International Relations (OVPRIR); Office of Executive Assistance to the President; Dean, School of Business; Office of Vice President for College of Open and Distance Learning (CODL); Testing Center; Faculty of Informatics; Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management;  Career and Internship Unit; Center for Educational Improvement and Quality Assurance (CEIQA); SMU Press and IRCO. 



In the Review Meeting, one previously funded research project and ten new research proposals were presented. The new research proposals covered a wide range of topics: E-commerce adoption; inter-organizational cooperation and investment in Research & Development; Mobile Money transfer prospect and challenges; IFRS adoption for quality of financial information;  knowledge management system on employees performance; predicting students’ attrition using machine learning; ICT for teaching learning: using smartphone for Malaria and TB pre-diagnosis; and, enhancing employee productivity using work flow management system. 



Following the presentations, participants raised a number of critical questions and forwarded comments and suggestions towards strengthening the proposals and improving the quality of the research that will follow.



RaKMO would like to express its appreciations to the presenters, chairpersons and SMU staff who participated in this important meeting. Similarly, RaKMO wishes the presenters success in their research endeavor and would like to assure them that the Office will provide the necessary support in every step of their way.