A half-day training was conducted on August 12, 2023, for undergraduate student club leaders at St. Mary's University. The training, titled "Annual Plan Preparation and Plan Implementation," was geared towards enhancing the skills and knowledge of club leaders in effectively planning and executing their club activities. The session was conducted by Ato Shegaw G/medihin, the Director of CEIQA (Center for Educational Improvement and Quality Assurance) office.

The training was attended by 14 club leaders from 8 clubs, including representatives from existing clubs and newcomers. Among the newcomers, the GAVEL and the Computer Science clubs were present. The diverse representation of clubs ensured a comprehensive exchange of ideas and experiences throughout the training.

During the half-day training session, Ato Shegaw G/medihin provided an overview of the critical components related to planning, elements of a plan, plan preparation, report writing, and plan implementation processes at St. Mary's University.

It is worth mentioning that St. Mary's University has placed significant importance on club activities and student engagement since 2014 E.C. This initiative, led by our university president, has fostered a vibrant club culture and provided students with ample opportunities for personal development and extracurricular involvement.
